Give me their phone number, Gayle! I will have it out with all of these "pass the buck" rules! It does sound like you found the right supervisor though. I hope you wrote down the name. This is a life or death situation, and they are worrying about Medicare paying???? I wonder if you called the insulin manufacturer, they would send you a batch?
Betsi, I am so sorry for Mike, but I am still laughing at your post! You really should hide in the cellar when his hot flashes and mood swings get out of hand! My SIL has the same problem, but he can take testosterone as soon as he gets to the endocrinologist to begin. He really needs testosterone. He certainly has not "manned up" as far as working is concerned.
I called my dental insurance company, and FINALLY, they do not need any more paperwork!!!! They will now review it. The young woman I spoke to rold me that I will be getting a check, but I will believe it when I see it!
Now...onto Medicare and my new drug company.