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Old 01-24-2012, 04:58 PM   #1751
Donating 4WT Talker
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I haven't checked this thread for awhile... PARIS? OCTOPUS? BASKETBALL ON DONKEYS??? You guys have gone nuts without me checking in

I have been keeping busy I guess. We went to Scott's year-end party (basically their Christmas party, but in January) on Saturday. The CEO of his company was there. He has never been there before! He did a looooong speech about the direction of the company and how he was just in Santiago and Sydney and all these other fabulous places around the world.

Anyways, it was an open bar and many drinks later, we were laughing and talking with Scott's coworkers at our table. We were having a great time! All of a sudden Scott's boss is behind him and Scott turns around to talk, and then I notice the CEO is there talking to him!!! So I turned around in my chair and he crouched down to talk to us and somehow we got talking about travel. Scott said we had just been talking (because we actually had) about taking a year and working somewhere else in the world. The CEO thought that was a great idea and was so happy we loved to travel. Scott said we just went to Europe and he actually proposed on the Isle of Capri. His boss kind of looked blankly, so Scott said it's in Italy, near Sorrento. The CEO said yes, he has spent some time there, and after everywhere he's been, he thinks it's the most beautiful place in the world. We agreed. Then he just kept talking about someone who ruled over the Tiber area from the Isle of Capri, and that is why his oldest son is named Tiberius. He was conceieved there in Capri. We were like "Ohhhh..." soooooo awkward lol! We recovered somehow though and I think we made a good impression. Eventually, the CEO left to mingle more, and we turned around in our seats and the other 6 people at the table were staring with their jaws on the floor lol! It was good though, I hope he remembers Scott.

Two weeks ago, on the weekend, Scott said to me, "Let's go for a drive to visit my grandma for the afternoon" so we got in the car and drove 2 hours, visited for 2 hours, and drove 2 more hours home. It was such a spur of the moment decision. Yesterday morning, Scott got a call at work from his dad, and his grandmother had passed away. We are both so happy we made that trip that day. It was so random. We hadn't seen her since last summer. We will be travelling again this Thursday for her funeral. Scott's sister and her family will likely be staying at our house for two nights on their way down and their way back to Edmonton.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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