Isn't it so ironic that so many of us want the exact same thing!!! I actually would prefer my body be donated to science or a medical school, but my daughter has a problem with that so I probably won't. In the absence of that, I want the exact same thing, either cremation or buried in a plain pine box with no embalming, no expensive anything, no funeral, no wake. I would like my friends/family to get together (not necessarily at the time of my death) and enjoy each other at the lake, a restaurant, a park, any place, just NOT a funeral. And the only reason I would like them to get together at some point is how many times have you said, "oh it's so good to see you, we seem to only see each other at weddings and funerals........."
My daughter's dad died a couple of years ago and he had no money for any type of burial, so my daughter had to pay the bill. She had him cremated and bought the urn and little heart necklaces for her and his wife to put a few of his ashes in it. I think it was still $1500.00!!! The family just got together at a restaurant and they ate and talked. She said it was nice.