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Old 01-27-2012, 10:36 AM   #15
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Since I just went to a funeral yesterday, I have been thinking about it (you never know when it might happen!) and I want to talk to Scott about what I want. We don't have wills yet, but we will do that after we're married. So weird that this thread is here today!

I think the natural burial is a great idea. Nothing lasts forever, and all the chemicals not only in the body, but even in the coffin, don't need to be leaking into the soil. There is enough contamination on earth as it is!

On top of that, I've been thinking of how I want my funeral to be. I found out yesterday that my family and Scott's family do funerals WAY differently. For Scott's grandmother's funeral yesterday, we had to be at the funeral home 3 hours before the funeral in the church. We spent probably at least an hour in a room with the open coffin. Everyone was bawling and it was really tough for me to sit through. I was trying to comfort Scott and his mom and his aunts but it really got to me too, and I just needed to get out of there. I can not sit there and look at the dead body of a woman I used to know for an hour. Maybe some people need that for closure, but I know I do not want my family's last memory of me to be my lifeless body in a casket. It was really tough. The whole day just seemed so long and drawn out and I've never been to a funeral that was so somber. Everyone was just dragged down and focusing on death all day long.

Of course funerals are sad, but every funeral I've been to in my family has been a short service, usually including funny stories from the person's life and remembering how they were when they were alive, and later we would visit with family and remember the good times and talk and laugh! That's how I want it to be when I go. I don't want to make people so upset!

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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