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Old 02-03-2012, 05:57 PM   #1821
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Location: New Caney, Texas (outside Houston)
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Gosh, hugs to us all! My problems seem less serious now. Love you all.

I had a second chest X-ray and go on the 15th for a CT scan. I didn't get to talk to my NP to hear her reasoning, so I'm being positive and not worrying about it. (BS). Gasto doc wants me to have upper and lower GIs when I get cleared from the pneumonia/lungs. Then, we'll deal with my degenerated neck vertebrae, because I've suffered with my neck and shoulder pain too long.

Actually enjoying my new boss more and being "bossier" with my girls. They've tightened up a good bit and do respect me, just can't let my guard down for a minute. I took the 6 of us out to pappas seafood for lunch today because I was craving crab cakes (on my company card).

Too wet to work in the yard tomorrow, so I hope to go to the trader village indoor flea market tomorrow. The home and garden show is next weekend and I hope to go to it. I'm trying to get out more instead of tooting around the house.

I'm under a flood warning so I'm pulling the covers up and saying nite nite.
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