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Old 03-02-2012, 05:38 AM   #7
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So true, Janet. I spend half my life on hold for doctors, insurance Medicare or pharmacies. What really bothers me is trying to talk to the clinical staff at Garys doctors. I call and ALWAYS have to leave a message and they have to call me back, usually hours later. If I miss that call because , God forbid, I am WORKING, then we have to play the phone tag again. Its like I have to abide by their constraints but they do not have to abide by mine. We have one doctors office where a triage nurse answers the phone and talks to you about your need. If she can't help she transfers you on where you might have to leave a message, but if no one calls me back or I miss the call then I can always call the triage nurse back. It feels much better knowing you can always talk to a nurse.

I really hate the automated system when I get cut off and have to go through it again. I can't tell you how many times this has happened to mein the past few years. It is so frustrating.
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