Thanks Gayle! This is a good website!
I have to call my financial manager (not that are a lot of finances to manage!). I do have an annuity, a house, a pension and SS. I have gotten a will form from the teachers' union. I have to sit down with Jessie and Steve about some details, and I have to find out what to do with my $ and my house. I believe in NYS, everything has to be in somebody else's name five years before you end up in a NH. I'm not about to put things in Jessie and Steve's names now, but, at some point, I might.
If I don't, the proceeds from the house and the $ I have go to the NH until it is used up. Then, Medicare or Medicaid pays for it. I have no desire for the state to get my house. I would like Jessie to get whatever she can for it. I don't have enough money to worry about.
It is a dilemma! I want full control over my property, but don't want her to lose it if I end up in a home before I transfer it.