Originally Posted by Janet
Haley, I am so glad to hear from you again. Micah....my goodness, he was a cute little guy before, but now....what a handsome little man he is. And you....you are so pretty and Pat, you two look happy and look good together. I hope it stays that way for you. I know how unhappy you were before. It's too bad he has to continue to be an a$$. Hopefully it will all be over soon.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost my mother August 29th. It was really hard, she lived with me the last 9 months of her life. I miss her terribly, she was 88 years young. We have our memories of our mothers now.
I'm so glad you're back!
Thanks Janet.. Life just gets better everyday... I thank God for what i have, It was a big wake up call for me.... But i was brave enough to get out of a miserable marriage... Micah is my blessing, I love him so much.... and my Pat also...