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Old 08-23-2012, 01:21 PM   #22
lynne b
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Originally Posted by Lindsey View Post
Thanks for the pictures Lynne I am probably the only person here who is nerdy about these things but road construction excites me lol!!! I design roads for a living so it's always interesting to see how roads are built everywhere else
It has been neat to watch how it is developing into a highway, building all the over pass's and there are several different companies doing different segments of it so it will be interesting to see how all of them will connect together in the finale stages of it. There is a very short section already done that we are driving on now and it is very nice, so anxious to have more of it done.
Just sad that so many had to lose their homes for it.
'I try to take one day at a time -- but sometimes several days attack me at once.'
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