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Old 10-12-2012, 03:58 PM   #2648
Donating 4WT Yakker
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Hi All! I got my acrobat ants treated but sadly now I have to trim my trees because they were also living at the base of the tree and going up the tree and down the limb that is just barely touching the roof of the shop. Oh well, I was getting ready to have all the trees trimmed anyway! Then, I'll have to get the electrician out to fix the lights. Sigh. These are the kinds of things Gary took care of - he would have done all of them himself before he got sick, and then afterwards he would have called and arranged them and been here for the workers to do the work. Now, I have to be here for everything, it is a pain sometimes!!! I haven't seen my neighbor yet, but I will sometime over the weekend, I'm sure.

I worked from home today because by the time the exterminator got finished, I didn't have time to make it to school for my conference call. So, I made arrangements for them to call me at home. I got quite a bit of work done today, surprisingly. Usually I find all sorts of things to do around the house when I'm supposed to be working, but today I really got a few things done.

I am REALLY sore from my exercise class. Mondays workout was very intense and then I think I overdid it on Wednesday for weightlifting. I'm still REALLY sore today. I was supposed to go to class this morning, but couldn't go because of the exterminator coming. My workout partner was out of town too. But I don't think I would have gone anyway because I was just too sore. I'm going to do a home workout tomorrow and will probalby take it easy. I don't like feeling all sore and creaky all the time!

Diana, I think you will enjoy the cruise. Gary and I have been on 3 and he went one other time with his sisters. It's fun and the food is usually GREAT!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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