Gayle, I'm glad you won't have ants to worry about anymore!
Diana, that cruise sounds like so much fun!!!
Judy, how are Max's eyes? I just took Layla to an ophthalmologist because her eyes are gooping so badly. Turns out, everything is normal. We just have to clean her face every day because there are chunks of black dried goop in the corners and black streaks down her face. But nothing is blocked, and her tear production and quality is normal, and her eyes are not irritated. So I guess we just deal with it, like everything else lol!
Speaking of Layla, she was also quite sick on Wednesday night. On Tuesday we took them all for vaccinations, and on Wednesday evening, Layla started having diarrhea. Overnight, we were up every 2 hours to shower her off and clean up trails of runny watery poop between our bedroom and the bathroom (she always seems to run there). So I started putting towels under her to sleep, and I did three loads of laundry overnight, washing those poopy towels! Anyways, in the morning I went to the office, grabbed my laptop, and worked from home. She seemed to be better after I fed her some pumpkin. Through YT I found out that she is way over-vaccinated. The only reason we were still coming to our local vet was for vaccinations - we have lost trust for everything else. Apparently the vaccinations are a money-grab too
Today, I got my new passport in the mail, and the safari company sent us a couple of safari journals, with spaces for entries and color pictures and information about all the African wildlife we might see

It is getting a little more exciting, but I feel like I should be more excited than I am! I think I'm just so busy that I'm not really thinking about it yet. I'll get more excited for it after Christmas