Scott and I have talked about if we have kids in the next few years, they will get the short end of the stick for presents lol! I don't want to be buying everyone gifts forever... I don't mind for the little kids, but the older they get, the more expensive things are. I don't want to still be buying them all gifts when they are teenagers (and we'll probably see even less of them then!). So eventually, we will stop with the Christmas gifts for everyone, when they are older. But when those kids are older, our kids would still be young - will they buy our little kids gifts if we stop buying their older kids gifts? Not likely!
But in the end, I don't think it will bother me if anyone doesn't buy our kids gifts. I don't think that would be anyone's responsibility but our own. But I don't like feeling guilted into doing it for others when I know the same rules will probably not apply for us. We are the definite outsiders for not having kids yet.
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe