Lol Judy!!!!! This nephew is not Scott's godson, his older brother is. We always seem to be around for his birthday (not because of an invitation from them, just his mom telling us we need to go), and we have always got him a gift. Anyways, in the end we did send a card and did not get any indication if they've received it or anything. I was texting with his sister yesterday, asking what her stepdaughter would like for Christmas, and it would have been an opportunity for her to say thanks for the card, but she didn't say anything. Oh well.
Diana, I agree that Christmas should be less about gifts. When I was little, I just thought Santa brought me gifts, with maybe one or two from my parents. I didn't grow up thinking I should get gifts from everyone!!!
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe