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Old 12-16-2012, 04:20 PM   #5
Donating 4WT Yakker
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I echo Judy's advice, keep after the school, be the squeaky wheel. Like Judy, my daughter is a teacher, but she is not working now so she can keep after the school. My granddaughter Abigail has a really hard time with math, even when she works at it. She has a terrible algebra II teacher this year he's an unemployed NASA scientist and doesn't know how to teach. My daughter has communicated with the school almost every week and has managed to get extra tutoring for everyone in the class who needs it, which is almost everyone. The problem wasn't grades, what was happening was everyone was failing the tests so the teacher just curved the grades so it looked like everyone was passing, even though the kids weren't really learning. I'm sure many parents had no idea what was going on. Abi and my daughter knew Abi wasn't going to be able to pass the standardized tests at the end of the year, so my daughter has been after the school. She has talked to everyone multiple times. Just keep after them Jessica, be the squeaky wheel, you just have to.
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