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Old 12-04-2006, 09:13 AM   #15
4WT 500 Club Member
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Originally Posted by tumblnstar
i think people have taken the fact that a doctor prescribed something as like a mandatory rule. people hardly research and learn for themselves about health anymore and its sad to see alot of people get steered in an incorrect direction or into a situation that isnt best for them.
now dont get me wrong i dont think every doctor out there is prescribing incorrectly or with bad intentions lol i just want people to know that just because a doctor said to take it... doesnt make it right or the suited for you. we all know that there are bad people out there that do things for money prescribe a certain med or vitamin for a kick back.. so i think that its important to choose a good doctor.. do your research! find out who this guy is... and once you are sure that you are comfortable with him and with his health beliefs then yes... i think that it would be perfectly fine to go right out without first going to the library and trying out a vitamin.... BUT as for medication i do NOT under any circumstance recommend that you take blindly... research it... ask about it... find out everything you can... that way you know exactly what to expect now and ten years down the road from this medication. we need to take more responsibility for our own health and make our own decisions.

But doctor's don't in any way, shape, or form get kickbacks from prescribing medication or even certain medication.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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