Thanks Janet. I actually feel better after leaving work early today (I worked through lunch). I think I have convinced the other girl not to resign yet, but to tell her supervisor she has interviewed for other jobs and will leave if she is expected to work under this guy anymore. We desperately need her and had a posting for her position for over a year before she came a few months ago. It gives me hope something will change! We have also been keeping a record of working with this project manager and our difficulties with him. We sent it to another senior landscape architect today, and he will give it to their supervisor.
I really don't want to leave, especially since I showed Scott's resume to the head of my department and they are figuring out how to fit him in. They want to make a position for him! We wouldn't work on the same projects and would be in different divisions of the department, but the commute and flexible hours would really make our life easier! There have been tons of lay offs in his company so he is worried about that.
I hope these next 4 weeks fly by! I know our trip will be very busy but at least I won't think about work for a couple of weeks!
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe