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Old 03-15-2013, 05:59 AM   #2
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I honestly can't believe he asked me that in a text....what was he thinking?????

When he got home we discussed it. Seems this girl had a previous boyfriend for two years. He supposedly was verbally and emotionally abusive to her. (Where were her parents? since she was only 16 when it all started) Said he raped her a couple of times and now she doesn't trust guys. (Where were her parents?) Said the marks on her arms...I haven't noticed but will look...are from her cutting herself. (Where were her parents?)

I told Ricky this girl needs some help but he can't be the one. She needs more than he can offer. This girl has a mother, a father and step-mother and two sets of grandparents and a number of siblings (whole, step and half). Where were these people for this girl?

I guess the reason she wants to stay the night is because her ex-boyfriend is coming back to town and he knows where her family lives, but not us. I told Ricky that is she going to expect to stay here everytime he comes to town? I then told him no....she can't stay. She needs to speak with her parents to get this young man to leave her alone or go to the police. I don't want her problems bringing my family down anymore than what it is. I just couldn't handle any more at this time.

I keep asking myself what Jesus would want me to do. I don't have the knowledge or experience to help this girl. I think she could be a big problem for Ricky later on and just wish she would move on to someone other than my son.

She sent Ricky a text telling him that if I knew all the things she's been through I'd let her stay, so she proceeded to send all the info in a text to Ricky so I could read it. That's when I told Ricky no, she couldn't stay. She needed more than we had to offer.

I just pray everyday that something permanent doesn't happen, like marriage or a baby that will bind them together. I'm really worried, but have to let him live his life. I was just hoping he'd make better choices.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1

Last edited by Janet; 03-15-2013 at 06:03 AM.
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