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Old 03-21-2013, 06:21 AM   #14
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Thought I'd catch you all up a bit. He came home around 6 PM or so on Sunday after my husband texted him and asked when he would be home because his mother was a mess. He was home within 45 minutes I think. Needless to say when he came in, I sobbed...not just cried. Told him how bad he hurt his dad and I. Asked what we had ever done to deserve such disrespect and cruelty.

I've printed out several home listings for him to check out and he has. Says he will be calling to schedule a time to see the ones he was most impressed with. They are not going to be the best of course, he can't afford the best, but he can work on it and make it his own. We didn't start out with a nice home either so why should he.

He does understand that we have house rules and that they must be followed. We haven't seen his GF and I did tell him that since I'm starting spring break (vacation) tomorrow I didn't want to see her at the house. That they can just stay in town for dates. I don't want to deal with her while I'm off.

Diana and I spoke for over an hour and she is a very wise, Christian woman and a friend I just don't ever want to be without. She gave me wonderful advice and listened. I really believe we're going to be okay here....
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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