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Old 04-02-2013, 01:07 PM   #2
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I kind of agree with you Diana...he does sound a little like a pervert. There is no way I would feel comfortable discussing women with him or what he thinks of them.

I do have to ask though, why is Glen going to speak with your Mom and then your brother? Everything I've ever read or watched says that if it's his family member, he does the talking if it's her family member, she does the talking. Matter of fact even good ole Dr. Phil just said that the other day.

We can't help our feelings or how we feel toward someone. You know my brothers and I are estranged. My younger brother and I probably won't ever speak again unless it's just a "hi" or something to be cordial. My older brother...the one I was the closest to hasn't made an effort. So...I've decided I can't have that in my life. I will always love them, but will never be able to trust them again with my heart.

You just have to do what you think is best, but I would think it should be you to speak with them.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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