Thread: Family issues
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Old 09-09-2013, 11:44 AM   #3
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Thanks for the congrats Diane!

I really don't know if I have the guts to say anything, even if it's in a letter. I feel like it will just make things worse. I don't know.

Should I even talk to anyone else in my family? I know she has been talking to people, but I don't know who so how can I defend myself? If I say anything, am I just falling down to her level?

This is such an awkward situation for me. My brother and I used to be very close, but now he only talks to me if they need something. His fiancee never congratulated us on our engagement, our marriage, or even when we told them we are pregnant. He did, though. All she said to me at our wedding was that I had the same decorations she planned on using at hers. I said that's okay, it doesn't bother me! She scoffed and said "I am not having the same wedding as YOU." When we stop at their place, they never invite us in, and if she answers the door alone, she will say "Shaun is in the shower, should be out soon" and she will walk away and leave us standing at the door alone, waiting for my brother to come and talk to us or take what we brought to drop off or whatever.

This is such a crappy situation. I don't even know how I got pulled into the middle of it. He is my only sibling and I feel like I've lost him.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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