Thanks, guys! I have decided to care a little less. I think my hormones being crazy makes things a lot worse for me right now.
I talked to my mom last night and let her know how we are being talked about. She was disgusted by it too, but basically said there's nothing we can do. He has made the decision to be with her and we just have to sit by and not let it ruin our lives! She also said that when we are in Mexico for their wedding, we won't need to be around them besides for the ceremony. They aren't having a reception for family after the ceremony, they are just going to a dance bar with their friends for the evening. So I guess I can hang out with my family at the resort. I know their friends all hate me anyway, but I just have to be happy for my own life and the people who choose to be in my life because they like who I am.
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe