So I felt sick yesterday until I got to the OB's office. She came into the room and asked how I was and I said "Okay" and she asked why just okay. I told her I'd been in emergency the night before (she didn't have the report yet) and that I was worried about what was happening to me. I told her the gynecologist said I had a prolapsed uterus and I didn't know what to expect. She asked if my mom had any history of prolapse and I said no. She asked if I felt it falling, because most women get a sensation of things moving out of place. I said no, nothing feels different at all! She told me it would be weird for me to have a prolapse at my age, never giving birth before, and no genetic history of prolapse.
So, she did another exam and said it looked normal. She had me "push down" and there wasn't much movement - it was normal. Everything is where it should be! She didn't know why they thought I had a prolapsed uterus, because I DON'T! Wonderful news!!!!!! I had a huge sigh of relief!
Then she brought out the Doppler and I warned her they couldn't find a heartbeat the night before. She said that's weird, at 14 weeks it should be easy to hear. I told her they said that too, and then told me I was probably having a miscarriage. She said "Oh my gosh, you had an awful night!!!!" I told her we thought we were losing the baby for about 3 hours until that ultrasound! Anyways, she couldn't find the heartbeat either, and asked me to go empty my bladder because sometimes it can push on the baby and make it harder to find the heartbeat. So I did, and she came back and tried again. As soon as she touched my skin, it was RIGHT THERE! I heard the heartbeat for the first time!!!! It was amazing!
So at the end of it all, I asked if I can still fly to New Orleans next week. She said sure, no problem! Have fun! And she told me to just live my life like normal because everything is normal!!!!
I can't believe all the stress I went through with the emergency department!
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe