I know!!! I can't believe I had to go through all that! They told me to see my OB next week, but I'm glad I went to see her yesterday. Otherwise, I'd still be worried sick!
I really think that the ER doctor irritated something when she did my pelvic exam. When she started, I had no bleeding, and then all of a sudden I was gushing blood and it was SO PAINFUL! My legs were shaking the whole time and Scott said he could see how much it hurt on my face! So maybe by the time the gynecologist came, I was really swollen or something. There was a LOT of blood. So maybe that's why she thought something was wrong. When she was examining me, it felt like a knife stabbing me from the inside

Either way, I am so flipping excited that my life is back to normal! I told Scott yesterday to say some prayers that life could be the same as it was a few days earlier. I never thought there was a hope of that actually happening! Just like I had lost all hope the day before that we'd see a live baby on that ultrasound. We've had two big (positive) shocks in the last couple of days and I couldn't be happier!