Oh poor you, i just knew this wedding was going to be fraught with controversy.
You are right in the middle of everything, Lindsey i dont know how to advise you, it really is a difficult situation for all your family. I feel for your poor Mum too, weddings should be reasonably stress free and a happy time, even the planning stage.
I would just listen to all of it, try to say as little as you can, and dont get drawn into all the trauma..........easier said than done i know, just tell people that you cant control them, its nothing to do with you, how they arrange their wedding!!!!
I agree though, they do sound as though they are doing it all to control and spoil your cousins evening.
The sooner its over the better.
My Mottos are....
 Just live for today..... and let tomorrow take care of itself
 Live each day as if it's your last - and hope that tomorrow you wake up to find that it wasn't