Thread: Drama!
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Old 10-17-2013, 11:46 AM   #3
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I am just counting down until it's over! I calmed down my cousin, and I tried to calm down my mom, and that's the best I can really do.

I had to straight out ask my brother last week if they are expecting wedding gifts, because I've heard conflicting things about gift etiquette at destination weddings, and EVERYONE in the family has been asking me!!!! I really just don't know. But he told me they are not expecting gifts. Now I have to spread the word.

My brother doesn't even talk to me unless he needs something. His fiance hasn't said a word to me in probably 6 months. I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm the one who is close to the situation.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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