Another winter warning for 4-6" of snow with blowing causing drifting... and I am one of those poor ole people who when it drifts, it drifts in my driveway causing major problems! Last one I had 3 and 4 foot drifts in front of my garage door. I haven't seen my deck steps in weeks. Snow right up to the deck. Poor dog is peeing on the deck! Well... the last few days we did get freezing rain on top of snow so there is a crunch to the top of the drifts now! Now he is fenturing out very carefully...
my boss at work today gave us direction as to what to do if she doesn't show up, I told her if you don't show up I am sure I can't either! She gave me a terrible look, did not like that. I said what am I to do? Drifts 3-4 ft and I can't get out of my garage? Am I supposed to hitchhike in??? I am 5 miles out of town. She pi**es me off.
Then that escaped convict was darn near in my back yard. There were warnings to keep your doors locked, don't pick up anybody, door to door searches.. little unnervings. The found him a few hours later 50 miles from the little town of Shipshewanna and Middlebury where he stopped for gas and his hostage was able to escape and alert the Police. I bet he thought he was in no mans land.. Amish community!!! Thankfully he ws caught and nobody was killed. Hard telling what his hostage went thru during the time she spent with him.
Time to start dinner.. going to be a chili night. Temperatures are dropping and that sounds good to me.
Hope all is well with you all.. stay warm and safe!!