I don't think they do any harm, my daughter had one, and she had hers until she was about 3...... only around bedtime though, then when she went to nursery she sent her dummy to the fairies, because she was a big girl then going to nursery!!!!!
I just think they are so cute looking x
Just reminds me..... my friends little boy had 2 soothers, one in his mouth and one in his hand, then if he lost it in the night, he had one ready in his hand, worked for them for years. In fact he gained real comfort from his 2 soothers.. bless.
My Mottos are....
 Just live for today..... and let tomorrow take care of itself
 Live each day as if it's your last - and hope that tomorrow you wake up to find that it wasn't
Last edited by DIANE W; 04-27-2014 at 03:14 PM.