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Old 05-05-2014, 04:11 PM   #3018
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My day started Friday. Hate to tell you all what I did.
I have talked about a stray pregnant kitty I took in. Well I found a home for one of the babies, got Mama Cat spayed and found a home for her. Took a few months for that! Wanted to keep Mama but my older cat had a issue with her. Plus Mama never got out of mama mode with her one baby still here. Could be a little aggressive. Was also trying to find home for that last little one.
Anyway! After Mama Cat was gone, my oldest cat was still having issues with baby kitty. Who is fast becoming big cat. 9 months old now. I wrote and called every no-kill rescue/shelter within 50 miles. No responce, no help. Jasmine older cat was stressed. Hates the baby. I had that baby all over Facebook, paper, friends, word of mouth... then.. I did what I thought I would never do.
Friday I took baby Oscar to our local Animal Shelter. I so wanted a rescue for him. To live with a foster until home was found. And I gave up and took him to AC to be in a small cage, in a very stressful situation and walked away. I bawled like a baby all the way home. Felt like I failed him. And I did.
Today I called that AC and said I would be back after work to take him home.
Yes I said Home. And I did go there after work and he is Home and staying Home.
Keeping that rascal!!! Have a appointment to get him neutered in a few weeks. Hopefully that will help Jasmine's attitude towards him. But regardless.. she better learn to accept her new brother.

It is official. I am the New Cat Lady on town.
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