Losing baby weight
So it turns out I had the best self-image when I was pregnant.
I was kind of obsessed with my weight before pregnancy, and then during pregnancy I decided to not even look at a scale. I'm not sure how much I weighed in the end but I did accidentally see on my prenatal record that I was something like 190 lbs a few weeks before Ronan was born. Before pregnancy I weighed 144, and was trying to get down to 135. Looking back on pictures, I don't know WHY I thought I needed to lose weight! I looked great!
Of course, I lost a lot of weight right after he was born and continued to lose steadily for about 2 weeks afterwards, and then I was stuck at 164. After I got the go-ahead to exercise again after 6 weeks, I started getting on my treadmill every night and now that it's nice out, going out for a walk with the stroller for at least an hour every day. I am also tracking my calories on My Fitness Pal and trying to make healthy eating choices. I am only allowing myself to get on the scale once a week. I have been losing 1-2 lbs per week and am now down to 157!
It is tough though because sometimes I really really crave things that aren't great like ice cream and chips lol! I am letting myself indulge every once in a while so I don't go nuts. I find sometimes I feel really sick now if I eat things that are fried.
I didn't realize it was going to be so tough to lose weight after the baby. I am really lucky that I didn't get any stretch marks and my skin has tightened back up nicely so I was hoping to wear a bikini again this summer! I guess we will see how comfortable I am with my new body shape in a month or two!
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe