Well my grandma is not happy with my mom or her sisters. They asked the doctor to keep her until Tuesday, when someone will be able to take her home (my cousin who is a nurse will come pick her up and take her to her home for a few days) but my grandma overheard that and knew she was supposed to be released earlier. The doctor had no problem keeping her but she was ready to pack up and get out of there. My mom told me she can't even get in and out of bed on her own, and she is incontinent. But my grandma was convinced she could go home and can walk between her bedroom and the bathroom without issues. If she needs medical care, she needs someone to come to her or take her to the hospital. My uncles who live with her don't drive, and none of my family around has a car anyway, except my cousin who lives at least an hour away. It really just isn't a good situation all around but my grandma is really mad that she is still in the hospital.
Oh and her hip was really sore too. They were going to do x-rays yesterday. I haven't heard how that turned out. My mom thinks she probably fell at home and hurt herself but didn't want to say anything. My grandma is the stubbornest woman you will ever meet.
The mad cow thing is crazy! I am going to be so careful about the cuts of meat I eat now. Like I had no idea it was even common but after doing research there are around 30 suspected cases in Canada every year. In the UK it is VERY prevalent. And when I talk to people about it, almost everyone somehow knows someone who also had it, like a husband's cousin's mother in law or whatever. It seems like everyone has heard of it! Also when researching it looks like there has never been a case in the US! But there is no way to trace it back so we can't ever know where she picked it up, especially since it can stay with you for years. They just spent a month in Mexico too.
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe