Originally Posted by ice queen
 janet i always use head and shoulders before i get my highlights every summer...i don't have dandruff but i like my hair to be really clean because after they streak my hair i don't wash it for a few days cuz i'm scared it will mess up the color...i've also used baking soda and baby aspirin...i just pu it in my shampoo and it works pretty well...i want to try the aussie deeep for me and my yorkie but can't find it at my hometown walmart-so i guess i'm going to have to go an hour out of my way to the super walmart-we live in a small town but since hurricane katrina we have boomed in population so in a few months they should be thru building our very own superwalmart.
If you're talking about that deep conditioner they were recommending on YT, that's the one I tried and didn't really care for. I just didn't see any thing different and I used it 3 or 4 times and threw it out. Most on YT said it worked right away, but I didn't see it on myself. Hope it works for you.