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Old 12-13-2006, 07:18 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
please can you give advice

hi ladies i need help i wrote earlier this year about a small venture i have with my mum we occasionly breed yorkies very small time and with great care for the girls health they all live indoors as pets and are loved dearly, now back in september we had a falling out over monies from a litter not being divided which was always the agreement that we shared but when i asked why the money wasnt shared my mother became very hostile slamming phones down on myself and my husband, in that time one of my girls came on heat mum had the boy dog and wouldnt allow me down to mate the dogs, when i tried to make ammends she was very nasty and cruel to be frank, we a saw male yorkie for sale took the last of our money out of the bank and brought him him hes lovely by the way, anywayz he did the job, then the worst thing happened and my daddy suddenly died we rushed to the house and have comforted my mother eversince we all made up thank goodness, anyway the babies were born this week and my mother wants to keep a girl for breeding which is fine but she thinks i should give it too her i cannot afford to do that i need to get some return on buying the male yorkie i now tell me if this is not fair we sell our pups for £400 so 4 babies is £1600 i think if mum has the girl and £400 and i have £800 thats fair i am so scared of suggesting this but to be honest if she had her way in sept there would have been no pups i hope this makes sense to you i know its a bit of a long story thanks any advice or comments are welcome
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