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Old 12-13-2006, 07:56 AM   #2
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I send my condolenses to you on the loss of your father. I too have lost my father, back in '73, it will get easier, but you'll never stop missing him.

I am also very happy that you have made amends with your mother. Life, as you know, is way to short to be at odds.

Not sure what kind of advice I can give you at this point. I only know what I would do and it may not be the best thing. I personally would sit down with your mother, just the two of you. Let her know that at this time you need the money. Ask in a kind way why she thinks she should be given the pup when she wasn't willing to split her money before. Maybe you can tell her that in the next litter you'll be in a better position to "give" her one. OR you can tell her that to keep things as they were before and fair, you'll sell her one for your asking price plus what she owes you.

I guess my best advice would be to not be in this endeavor with your Mother. Sooner or later something could come up again. Let her raise her dogs and you raise yours separately.

I do hope things work out. It's not good being at odds with family members if you can keep from it. Remember forgivness comes from the heart with no strings attached.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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