Originally Posted by Janet
RCL12345678: You said you have tried everything. Have you tried that Proactive Program they advertise on TV? My son is beginning to get blemishes quite a bit. He washes his face religiously too, but I was thinking of trying that, but don't know anyone who has.
Yes. I've tried Proactive. It was WAAAAAY too harsh for my face. It has exfoliating properties, and my dermo told me that the worst thing you can do for acne is exfoliate! I would not recommend it to anyone. If he is starting to get blemishes, I would take him to the dermatologist to get something prescription and then use either Citaphil face wash or Purpose face wash and a very light moisturizer. The harsh things like Toner, Clearacil, ect. just irritate the skin and make acne worse. The very very best thing for acne, and I've tried EVERYTHING, is mild soap, light moisturizer, and whatever topical or pill the dermatologist prescribes. The only thing I should warn you about is that the solutions that the dermo prescribes are LONG TERM solutions. It takes them about a month to really start working and in a lot of cases it makes acne worse before making it better because it cleans all your pores out. But, whatever he is prescribed, STICK WITH IT! One reason I had such bad acne growing up is because I would never stick with what the dermatologist would prescribe. Now that I am older and know better, I have stuck with my regimines and my skin has never looked better.