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Old 12-20-2006, 08:07 PM   #8
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Posts: 207
I go once a month for color and cut... I tip 15.00 each time

Christmas I tip the following...

hair dresser 50.00

paper boy 10.00

Milk Man 25.00

Groomer 10.00 when Chewy gets alot done, a few bucks when it's just the nails

My hubby has taught me that these people provide a service and we are depending on them on a regular basis so we need to be good to them! I was a little shocked at the hair dress tip but he told me that was what i should do so i did it. I love my hair dresser and the milk man... The milk man comes in our house and puts the milk in the refrig when we arn't home...

now the paper boy is another story... I have never met the guy, But My hubby still thinks he needs a tip every Christmas... So he gets one. Hey I hardly work, (one day a week) So he is paying for it all!!!!
Just remember...I can't spell!!!

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