kimberly- i used to use pantene but my hairdresser said it was bad for your first i thought she was just trying to get me to buy her salon stuff but then i asked my hubby's aunt who is also a hairdresser and she said that it IS bad for your hair-that it strips it then uses silicone to cover the hair strand(makes it shiny)which isn't good for your hair strand because it weakens it and if used for a long time can eventually cause baldness

!!!because of your hair breaking off!!!!
janet-well pootie!!! i was all looking forward to trying that Deeeep conditioner-shoot! well the best conditioner i have used so far is bedhead moisture maniac-smells divine!!! you can get it at walmart salons-i used to buy the BIG bottle of it with the shampoo but it would be like 50$ but sometimes you can get it on sale...i had two big bottles and it lasted me over a year but i firgured i would try something different just to see....