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Old 01-05-2007, 07:10 AM   #4
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Here is my recipe

I use ground turkey...I haven't eaten red meat or pork for over 13 yrs. You can use ground beef instead if you want.

1 pkg ground turkey (or beef)
1 egg
about 1 1/2 cups of bread crumbs or crushed up stove top stuffing
onions (optional)
onion powder
garlic powder
1 pkg litpton GOLDEN onion soup mix
mix all ingredients together and put in pan.cover with tin foil..I cook at 350 for about 45 mins to an hour...I check it before I take it out of the oven to make sure it's done. I serve it with turkey gravy...if you are using ground beef you could use a mushroom gravy, onion gravy or brown gravy.

It comes out different everytime but, this is the recipe that I use most often..I used to make it with tomato soup but hubby likes it better this way...As you can see I don't have alot of measurements..I don't measure anything..I've been making it so long I don't have to! LOL I have even used dry ranch dressing instead of the onion soup it a little different taste.

let us know how yours came out!
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