Sweet! I've tried so many diets but I have a tendency to binge in the wrong direction. I'ld try to eat better and it would tempt me to eat stuff I shouldn't like ice cream and donuts, when I'm not trying to watch what I eat I don't eat that kind of stuff. I'm really hoping this works, and my roommate and I are serious about getting in shape and working out maybe I can get her to join Weight Watchers with me. They have group exercise classes at school and if I get into those then I'll have a reason to go to the gym, I have a hard time getting there on my own accord just to work out.
Marilyn's Disappearing Daughter!!
Cake or Death, Melissa
"Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised." Heb 10:35-36