Thread: Stress test
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Old 02-05-2007, 04:23 PM   #11
Donating 4WT 500 Club Member
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Hi Girls!!

Thank you once again for thinking of me, as tink mentioned in her post, there was the technican and the cardic nurse with me during the stress test. The nurse explained to me that my heart is fine, everything is good. I have mitral valve prolapse, I was probably born with that. Many years ago a dr. detected a heart murmur. In the past some drs. haven't heard the murmur so I never gave it much thought. I have always premedicated myself with antibodics when I go to the dentist.
The nurse said I should strenghten my heart by continuing going to the gym and working out she did say that I should have cooled down when on the threadmill, its like a horse after a race, the jockey walks the horse until it slows down. I abrubtly came off the threadmill so it was normal for me to get dizzy. The technican and nurse explained that he was going to hold me when she stopped the threadmill and have me lay down to see my heart on the echo. I will have the report in two days, but she said I am fine and once I speak to my dr. to continue the exercise. I feel like a weight has lifted...Does anyone have mitral value prolapse?

Girls you are the best, and btw I posted some of my 50th birthday photos, in the picture section. Check them out.

Last edited by Gina; 02-05-2007 at 04:26 PM.
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