Thread: Sick of it!
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Old 03-09-2007, 06:12 AM   #19
4WT 500 Club Member
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Mandy, you are by far one of my all-time favorite people here!!!!!!! It HAS been slow lately and I will admit I have not been around as much as I would like to have been, but I'm back now and I cannot wait to chat with you more! If the forum you are talking about us YT, don't even worry. With over 16,000 members there now, it can often be overwhelming. I have about 5,000 posts there now and a LOT of times I have to bump my threads up a time or two in order to get anyone to respond. If that has happened to you, don't take it personally. Threads there often just get buried in the mix. Just bump them up and your threads will get seen. Chin up. You are so kind and lovely and I would hate it if you quit posting here.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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