Thread: Sick of it!
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Old 03-09-2007, 09:55 AM   #20
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Suzi, and Rebecca, you are both so sweet! It's not only the forums, i felt this around me too, ide be walking thru town, see odd people, things, teens doing stuff, and say hurtful things to each other, and i wonder "what am i doing here" i still feel the same about that part, what is becoming of our society

To crown it all, i have a dear friend thats lost the "trails" a bit, has been on the wrong track for quite some time now, i have tried so hard to help, but felt my help was not what she wanted, so i backed off, i quit talking about her problem, and so did she.
Now she has met this older guy, i thought he would get her straight/sober, boy how wrong i was.
She called last week, wanting to come visit because they had to "pick up some stuff" in the neighborhood, and wanted to drop in. As much as i hate myself for doing it, i had to say no.
Sorry, but i dont want that stuff in my house! I have a teen to think about, and besides that, i just hate any of it, i want nothing nada to do with it!

Sorry... i got blabbering, and just kept typing lol
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