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Old 03-12-2007, 04:11 PM   #8
Donating 4WT 2000 Club Member
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Originally Posted by rivermom
A HUGE Lobster tail broiled and seasoned perfectly w/ drawn butter, a small perfectly aged filet mignon cooked medium rare, ceaser salad w/ fresh cracked pepper and scrumptious croutons, a baked potatoe loaded of course w/ extra cheddar cheese and sour cream. (don't forget the chives), a bottle of a fine Merlot, no make that two bottles, and crusty french sourdough bread w/ fresh real butter and a heck of alot of it!!

What am I actually having? Jenny Craig frozen crap on a plate meal.
Sheryl, I think I'll just join you, okay. Your menu is just what I'd want, minus the filet mignon and wine, but the rest is a definite !! Perfect!!!

What I just had, pan seared wild caught halibut with steamed mixed vegatables, salad with a little blue cheese dressing & whole wheat thin spagetti noodles with olive oil, romano cheese and a bit of garlic salt. We eat very little red meat.
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