Thread: Laughing again
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Old 03-16-2007, 08:18 PM   #1
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Laughing again

I have to share with you all that I'm feeling So much better now that I'm not working at the bank anymore! I've been laughing more, enjoying my goofy dog more, spending more relaxed time with my kids and freinds. I am very much happier overall.

The 2 new tellers got left at the bank by themselves today. So they ended up calling ME to ask how to do something. I helped as best I could, but it really confirmed how glad I am to be out of there. Can you imagine being at a job less than 3 months and you're left in charge of someone new and a branch of a bank?
That's just wrong.

Im sipping a tequilla sunrise and munching cheetos right now. It's a simple pleasaure, but SO much more fun since I know I don't have to go to that job anymore.

Thanks for all the support and advice when I was trying to make my decision. I know I made the right choice, and it was you all who helped me make it. You guys Rock!

'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'
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