Thread: Electrolysis
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Old 09-12-2006, 06:39 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by KellyV
Were you really red and swollen afterwards? If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay?

I'm seeing REALLY good results with the laser. The majority of the hair that is left is either blonde (which again, laser can't affect) or at the very least is a lot finer than it was. It's closer to being more like... I dunno, arm hair (really fine and light) than "down there" hair. I just want to get electrolysis so I can be COMPLETELY hair free!

I need to start searching for a good one in my area. I know there's a TON of 'em, but finding one I trust is the hard part... Especially when it comes to doing my bikini area. That's not exactly an area I want just anybody poking with a little needle/probe!
No, I was only red for like 10 minutes afterwards. If you put some ice on it, the redness get out really quickly. I have moved twice in the past year, so I have been to 3 different electrolysises who all charge different prices. The first one I went to, who started on me when I was 13 and worked on me until after I graduated college a year ago, she charge $40 for 15 minutes I think. I didn't pay for it then, my mom did. But the SHORTEST amount of time she would take you would be 15 minutes. But the second 2 electrolysises I went to charged by the minute. Since I have minimal regrowth now, the past 2 times I have gone, I only went for 5 minutes each and it was $6. So, if you are on a budget, I would get one that charges by the minute. Just make sure they are certifed by the American Academy of Electrolysis (or some fancy name like that). As long as they are certified, you shouldn't worry. I would be most worried about your eyebrows simply because if someone messes those up, the hair doesn't grow back. The other parts, like your bikini area and the rest of your face, it doesn't take talent to do those parts because they don't need "shaping." They just stick the needle in the pore the hair is coming out of, zap it, and then pluck the hair. Pretty simple if you ask me.
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