Thread: Electrolysis
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Old 09-13-2006, 05:46 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by RLC12345678
Well I know that you cannot get your legs done with electrolysis....there's too much hair. You can only get small areas done. I've gotten my eyebrows and part of my upper lip. I want to get my entire face done & bikini area. My sisters have gotten their toes and fingers done. My mom has gotten EVERYTHING done....eyebrows, entire face, bikini area, toes, fingers, and underarms. She also has permanent eyeliner (the same lady does both). However, I would never get the permanent eyeliner. My mom says it hurts SOOOO bad!
Actually you can do your legs it just takes a little longer and if you want it done faster have 2 people work on you at the same time. Also my mom does permanent cosmetics to the permanent eye liner and i agree i wouldn't get it done personally but my mom has it done she said it didn't hurt and she loves it i guess it all depends on your pain management the put a topical solution to help numb the area.
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