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Old 04-12-2007, 04:58 PM   #1
Taurus Babe
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MAN! I need you!!!! Men are confusing! darnit!

Okay Man, help me understand this.
Recently my bf's step mother told him he could come by and have a look through all his step mothers furniture and see what he would like to have. (His stepmother is moving into a old folks home, she's not 'passed').

Well, isn't picking out furniture something a couple should do together???? At first I thought he didn't invite me because I was working and it was his only free time to go over and do it, but he's put it off all week and now he's going to do it tomorrow morning, and I'm free!!!...not working I've dropped serveral ::hints:: that I'm very interesting in seeing what there is, and I've even said that we could use serveral new things and kinda given him a mental list.

Oh an none of this helps since we've seen each other about 5 hours in the last 3 days cause of our opposite schedules...not even at night.

Man, what's up with this? What's going on in his head???

Taurus Babe aka Thorsmomma
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