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Old 04-20-2007, 08:49 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 116
Introducing 4WomenTalk Chat!

Our chat room is now open!

Just click on the Chat button (in the top purple navigation bar), to the right of Calendar (or you can click on the link to chat,

Any topic is fine for discussion, but please be respectful of your fellow member.


For those with problems using the Java chat, here is an alternative method to access 4WomenTalk chat.

First, get mIRC from and download it to your own computer. mIRC is a PC-only program, there is a similar program called Snak for Macs. It is a free program!

Okay, install the program and then run it. It should pop up a Options Window. Here's what you can put in:

Full name, just put in your your 4WomenTalk username
Email address: anything works, no one can see your email address

Nickname: put in your 4WomenTalk username (maximum of nine characters)
Alternative: put in an alternative username (like user2) (maximum of nine characters)
Check the Invisible Mode box

Now click OK.

Now you are in the Status window. Type in '/server' without the '

It will pop up a mIRC Favorites box. Type in #4womentalk and click the Join button

(Alternatively, if that server does not work, you can try '/server' or '/server' to get onto the 4WomenTalk chat network).

Voila, you are now in Chat! And you can still browse 4WomenTalk at the same time! When you see a Web link posted in chat, just double-click the link, and it will open in your Internet browser. Enjoy!

Remember that there are times in 4WomenTalk chat where no one may be talking. Please wait a few minutes, or come back at another time when there may be some people actively chatting.

Please let us know if you have any questions or where anything doesn't make sense. Enjoy the chat!
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