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Old 04-25-2007, 07:35 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by <3mybabies
I have a question about a disease my baby Yorkshire Terrier has that the vet just found out my baby has had since hewas born!!! He has Luxating Patella class 4!!! Theres only 2 options for him expensive surgery that might not even work or ammputation!!! I was wondering if any of your babies have gone through anything like this and what you decided to do!! I am just a mess... I just need some help and suggestions????
Hi There! I saw your post on YT as well, and I did leave you a response there too

YT has lots of threads about Luxating Patella's. I have 2 Yorkies both with LP in both their rear legs. Roxy just had surgery last year, both legs at the same time. She did fine and is a brand new girl. TJ will have his surgery this summer.

Yes the surgery can be expensive and there's no guarntee that they won't injury themselves later down the road, but that's the same with humans too! You could break your arm, have it fixed and 10 years later you could fall and break it again.

I have never heard of ammputation and LP. As a matter of fact, I rarely hear of surgery not be successful. I do however recommend that an Ortho Specialist preform the surgery. This is a craftful and somewhat artistic surgery. Once the surgeon is in there, they need to be experienced, delicate and crafty in a way, with how they 'deepen' the groove and tighten the muscles, etc...

Check out YT - Search for Luxating Patella - you'll find lots and lots to read about.

I am here always if you need to talk or just for support
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