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Old 04-27-2007, 08:04 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by <3mybabies
I have a question about a disease my baby Yorkshire Terrier has that the vet just found out my baby has had since hewas born!!! He has Luxating Patella class 4!!! Theres only 2 options for him expensive surgery that might not even work or ammputation!!! I was wondering if any of your babies have gone through anything like this and what you decided to do!! I am just a mess... I just need some help and suggestions????
My Robbie (RIP) had Luxating Patella's on both his back legs and had them opperated on one at a time, they worked first time and once he got over the opp's never had any further problems. Only had to keep him around the house for about 2 weeks then short walks to gain his strength in his muscles. Had read a lot at the time about this problem but have never come across a possible ammputation!!. The opp's I think cost about ?800 for each leg.
Hope this helps.
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