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Old 04-28-2007, 05:29 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Amber_lv
i have looked in there but everytime i touch it it swells worse! My hubby is going to get me some ibprophen(sp) and some visine to see if it helps
Okay, here's my first aid training at work. (once a year for 12 years )

get a clean cup (plastic or paper please, we don't want any accidents)

roll up a towel to create a nice cushion on the edge of your sink.

lay your head on its side so that the bad eye is closest to the basin and the good eye is closest to the ceiling.

use the cup to pour clear, cool (or lukewarm) water over the eye...try to keep the eye open as much as possible.

If there's a foreign object in the eye, this might help.

Oh, and since your in pain, I won't make you hunt:
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